TWM Issue 8. Vietnam English



TWM Issue 8. Vietnam English THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE Ammo by Mig Jimenez AMIG4501 maquette char promo 

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TWM Issue 8. Vietnam English THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE Ammo by Mig Jimenez AMIG4501 maquette char promo

After being out of stock for years, we are proud to announce the re-edition of The Weathering Magazine issue 2. This time we will study the effects of Dust and Dirt using a wide range of products and painting techniques demonstrated by the world’s best modelers. The magazine explains in depth how to apply these effects on all types of models including figures, helicopters, trains, sci-fi… and of course tanks. The modeler will be able to complete his collection of The Weathering Magazine to create a bibliography of techniques, effects, references, and inspiration.


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TWM Issue 8. Vietnam English

TWM Issue 8. Vietnam English

TWM Issue 8. Vietnam English THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE Ammo by Mig Jimenez AMIG4501 maquette char promo 

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