F4F-3S Wildcatfish



maquette avion F4F-3S Wildcatfish HOBBY BOSS 81729 1/48ème maquette char promo

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31,99 €


39,99 €

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Echelle 1:48
SÉCURITÉ ET CONFORMITÉ Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans. A utiliser sous la surveillance d'un adulte.Pour plus d'informations sur la sécurité de ce produit, veuillez consulter l'onglet "Sécurité et Conformité".

En savoir plus

maquette avion F4F-3S Wildcatfish HOBBY BOSS 81729 1/48ème maquette char promo

The Wildcat was the main shipboard fighter when the US entered WWII. The F4Fwas barrel-shaped, with angular wingtips and rudder and a narrow-track undercarriage. The F4Fwas well-armed and reliable, and was a natural shipboard aircraft, probably easier to land on a carrier deck than on land. The F4F never had a operational speed limitation

In this form, the F4F-3 was accepted by the USN, and an order for 54 was received in August 1939. After the first two, the cowl guns were removed, and four 0.50 wing guns fitted. The production aircraft were powered by the R-1830-76 engine,Most F4F-3s had no armour and self-sealing fuel tanks


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F4F-3S Wildcatfish

F4F-3S Wildcatfish

maquette avion F4F-3S Wildcatfish HOBBY BOSS 81729 1/48ème maquette char promo

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